Bosch IoT Rollouts

Visualization of invalidated distribution sets

An invalidated distribution set will be displayed accordingly in the different Classic UI views to be able to distinguish them from valid distribution sets.

Deployment view

  • Invalidated distribution sets are displayed as strike-through (1)

  • Single assignment of that distribution set to a target is not possible

  • The distribution set cannot be edited

  • Actions, that were soft-canceled, will have the CANCELING (2) status in the action history. The action remains running until the device confirms the cancelation

  • Actions, that were force-quit, will have the CANCELED (3) status in the action history


Rollout view

  • Invalidated distribution sets are displayed as strike-through (1)

  • The affected rollout is FINISHED (2) to indicate that the rollout itself is closed and won't address any further assignments. However, there might still be running actions on targets (3)


Target Filters view

  • Invalidated distribution sets are removed from target filters

  • Creation of new auto-assignments with an invalidated distribution set is not possible

Distributions view

  • Invalidated distribution sets are displayed as strike-through

  • Assigning software modules is not possible, nor removing already assigned ones

  • The distribution set cannot be edited
