Bosch IoT Rollouts

Deployment view

Table of contents:


Target status overview, target management and manual deployment.

Features explained

Feature overview

  • Monitor the status of all Targets.

  • Manage Targets, Target metadata, Target tags, and Target types.

  • Start a Deployment by dragging and dropping Target/s on a Distribution set.

  • Request the end-user's consent before proceeding with the deployment

  • List specific Targets by filtering on:

    • Assigned/installed Distribution set (drag and drop a set on the top of the target list).

    • Update status: Only view Targets that are in one of the given states.

    • Tag: Only view Targets with at least one of the given tags.

    • Name and description: Use search button on the top of the list.

    • Target type: open Type Filter section to show targets of a specific type.

  • List specific Distribution sets by filtering on:

    • Tag: Only view Distribution sets with at least one of the given tags.

    • Name and description: Use search button on the top of the list.

  • View Action history of the selected Target.

  • Create many targets at once by uploading a file containing their specifications (Bulk Upload).

  • Distribution set invalidation allows to mark broken updates and avoid the distribution of such

Target bulk upload

  • Expected file type : csv

  • Expected file format : Each line with two values (ControllerID,TargetName). ControllerID is mandatory.

  • Example:


Deployment: Action Types

  • Select Forced update to tell the device that the update has to be executed immediately.

  • Select Soft update to tell the device that the update can be executed any time, e.g. with user approval or in future regular update time plan.

  • Select Download Only to tell the device that the update has to be only downloaded, and not installed.

  • Select Time Forced update to configure a point in time where Rollouts switches from soft to forced.

    Currently, the Time Forced option is not supported by Bosch IoT Device Management, although it is visible in the Rollouts UI. For details, please read here.


See Defined Action Types for a detailed overview of action types, as well as action state transitions.

Deployment: Maintenance window

  • Configure optional Maintenance Window, i.e. device gets informed immediately to start download but to execute deployment during configured window(s) only:

    • Schedule of window start trigger is configured in Cron Quartz notation, e.g. “0 0 1 * * ?” for window start 1AM every day.

    • Duration of the window in “HH:MM:SS” notation, e.g. “02:00:00” for two hours.

    • Time Zone of the window from GMT, e.g. “+02:00” for Central European Summer Time (CEST).


The maintenance window option cannot be used with assignments which are Download Only.

Bosch IoT Device Management currently does not support the maintenance window scheduler assignment.

Deployment: Confirmation required

If the user consent flow feature has been enabled for the tenant, the Confirm Assignment dialog will include an additional field at the bottom called Confirmation required with a check-mark selected by default.


In that case, when the deployment is started, the end user of the device (target) will be asked to confirm that he or she wants to proceed with the update. Therefore, the action will be assigned a WAIT_FOR_CONFIRMATION state until such a confirmation is granted. After confirmation, the action will move to a RUNNING state, according to the default behavior. Find out more in Action state machine.

The Confirmation required check-mark can also be removed for the respective auto-assignment. In that case the confirmation will still be required because for the whole tenant the user consent flow feature is enabled. However, the confirmation will be treated as granted by the operator (the current user), and the action will move from WAIT_FOR_CONFIRMATION state to a RUNNING state automatically.

Distribution set invalidation

It is possible to mark broken updates and avoid the distribution of such by invalidating the corresponding distribution set in the Distributions list of the Deployment view (1).

Invalidating a distribution set removes all auto-assignments that reference this distribution set. Optionally, all rollouts that reference the distribution set can be stopped (3) and existing update actions are removed, either by a soft-cancel or a force quit (2). Invalidated distribution sets are displayed as strike-through in the UI and cannot be assigned to targets, neither through a rollout, auto-assignment nor a single assignment.

Invalidated distribution sets cannot be valid again, but remain invalid.

For further information on distribution set invalidation and mass-cancelling of actions, see Mass Cancel concept.


Note that the general management of distribution sets is part of the Distribution Management view, where the software distributions are managed, versioned and grouped. Whereas the invalidation of a distribution set is only possible in the Deployment Management view, as canceling an update action is seen as part of the deployment itself.


It is possible to confirm all future updates on target level automatically. Enabling Auto-Confirmation means that you give your consent for all future updates on the specific target and do not have to confirm each update separately.

This consent can be revoked at any time.

To enable auto-confirmation follow the steps below:

  1. Look at the the Target:<targetName> panel, below the list of Targets.

  2. Using the right arrow navigate to the Auto-Confirmation tab and open it.

    The Auto-Confirmation tab will be visible only after the respective system configuration has been enabled.

  3. Click on the Confirmation by device is required toggle.

  4. In the Activate automatic confirmations for <targetName> dialog you may fill or skip the two optional input fields, and then click Save.

    1. Initiator - The initiator of the auto-confirmation activation. Might be the person who grants consent from the client-side to the Bosch IoT Rollouts operator.

    2. Remark - Remarks help tracking the initiation. e.g. the username of the operator, the date, or the the situation that led to enabling auto-confirmation.

  5. If you have actions in RUNNING state a dialog will pop out, stating that confirmation is pending for the active PENDING actions. Clicking OK will set them immediately to RUNNING state.


Once the Auto-Confirmation is enabled the respective tab will be populated with the:

  • Initiator - set from the previous dialog

  • System user - the Bosch IoT Rollouts user who activated that

  • Remark - set from the previous dialog

  • Activated at - the date and time when the activation happened


You can deactivate the auto-confirmation at any time by clicking the Confirmation automatically given toggle. This will not affect any current active actions but will take effect on all new assignments, meaning that manual confirmation will be required again.

Deactivating the Auto-Confirmation will erase the information about the Initiator, System user, Remark etc.

If you need to find a previous initiator, system user and remark information, you can search for the specific activation message in the Action History.


Tips and hints

  • To get more information, widgets can be maximized by clicking the button in the upper right corner. Maximize the Action history to view messages send by the target.

  • Cancel an Action by clicking the cross icon images/confluence/download/attachments/1680491241/close-small-gray-version-2-modificationdate-1633520109000-api-v2.png .

  • When an Action is canceled, clicking the red cross icon images/confluence/download/attachments/1680491241/close-small-version-2-modificationdate-1633520111000-api-v2.png allows to force quit it. The force quit function should be used very carefully. This function will only remove the action on the Bosch IoT Rollouts server and will not sent any information to the Target. When the Target continues sending new messages to Bosch IoT Rollouts this will cause an error. However this function could be very helpful, when the Action is blocked by a corrupted Target.


You need the following permissions to see the Deployment view in…

  • read-only access mode: READ_TARGET, READ_REPOSITORY


The cloud user has full access by default for all available service plans.


See Authentication and authorization for further information about available roles and their included permissions.