Bosch IoT Manager

Subscribe an instance

Bosch IoT Manager is available as part of the Bosch IoT Device Management service.

The content of this text-based tutorial is also available as a video on our Bosch IO YouTube channel.

For the steps on how to subscribe watch:


To subscribe an instance of Bosch IoT Device Management, use the Bosch IoT Suite home page as an entry point. Once there:


  1. Click images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1100677385/my-account.png My Account (My Bosch ID) and Sign in with your Bosch ID

    1. In case you do not have an account yet, register a new one (Sign up for an account).

    2. After logging in you will be re-directed to the Suite.

  2. Click images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1100677385/suite-list-subscription-icon.png My Subscriptions

    1. Click New Subscription

    2. Select Bosch IoT Device Management

    3. Set your Instance Name (this must be unique)

    4. Click Subscribe and confirm on the cost summary page by clicking Subscribe again. By default, your service plan is free.

    5. The Status will be Provisioning while the service subscription is being created.

    6. In case the Status is still not Active after some seconds, click the Refresh button.

    7. Once the Status becomes Active , you can navigate to the common UI of all service layers of this solution (clicking Go to Developer Console) or to the web UI of Bosch IoT Manager in particular (clicking Go to Dashboard).


    If you click Go to Dashboard, you will see the three main UI perspectives of Bosch IoT Manager, namely Device Management, Task Management and Rule Management, as well as links to the Dashboards of Bosch IoT Rollouts and Bosch IoT Things (see screenshot below).


If you click Go to Developer Console, you will be guided to the home screen of the Developer Console where you will find links to the UIs of the service layers.


Register a namespace

Your service instance has been configured automatically, however, you have to set a namespace, as each instance needs at least one default namespace in order to allocate the digital twins of your assets accordingly. The namespace registration is necessary only once, thus you can register all your devices within the same namespace.

The free service plan allows to register only one namespace.
In case you have booked a standard plan you can register up to 10 namespaces. This way you can easily organize things of a similar kind by creating them under a separate namespace.

To set a namespace, follow these steps:

  1. Click Namespaces on the left sidebar of the Developer Console.

  2. On the new screen, click the plus icon in the mid column to add a namespace.

  3. Enter a namespace name in the field to the right.
    The namespace can be anything, as long as it conforms to the reverse domain name notation, e.g., as in our case.
    However, it needs to be unique, i.e. you cannot register the exact same namespace for multiple instances.

  4. The search index fields are set to the defaults which are most convenient for the Device Management service to work properly.

    1. More search index fields can be added later if needed.

    2. The required fields are the minimum necessary and cannot be deactivated such as _created and thingId.

    3. If you make any changes to the search index fields, you can always restore the defaults by clicking the Undo arrow.

  5. Confirm with Save.


The namespace will be part of each deviceId. For more information visit Unique identifier - common device ID patterns.

You are now ready to register your first device.