Bosch IoT Suite

Things to Insights connection

This section describes how to create a connection from the Bosch IoT Suite for Asset Communication package to Bosch IoT Insights.

Bosch IoT Insights

As a result, you will receive credentials to access the service.



Copy the credentials highlighted in the screenshot to your clipboard, as you will need them to create the connection.

Bosch IoT Things

The connection from Bosch IoT Things to Bosch IoT Insights will be established on the Things Dashboard.


Your instance is pre-configured to allow all messages from Bosch IoT Hub to be routed and processed at Bosch IoT Things.

  1. Open the Connections/Integrations tab to see the entries created automatically during the package booking process.

  2. For the Connection category, select Bosch IoT Insights.

    1. Use the drop down and choose Bosch IoT Insights, then set a name for your connection.

    2. Set the credentials you have received at booking the Insights service.

    3. Define the authorization subject. This is already pre-filled and only needs an additional string.


      Tip: This subject needs to be set in the policy later on.

    4. A summary will be shown as in the example below.
      Click Test connection to make sure your settings are ok.
      By default, the checkbox Normalize event payload to targets as thing JSON including contextual data is enabled.

    5. Click Create to approve and close the dialog.

This connection is uni-directional. Thus from the Things perspective, you will only see Targets but not sources.
This means, we will send data TO the Bosch IoT Insights data recorder, but there is no way back.

Details on Target section

In section Targets, you will find

  • The endpoint of your Insights' project POST /data-recorder-service/v2/zzXXXX

  • Topics to publish on address: Twin events

  • The Authorization subject integration:{{your-things-service-solution-ID}}:insights

  • Header mappings:

    • X-Metadata ⇾ thingId={{ thing:id }}

    • content-type ⇾ application/json

Copy your authorization subject to your clipboard.

You will additionally need to add the authorization subject integration:{{your-things-service-solution-ID}}:insights
into the policy of the thing which should forward the data recorded towards the Bosch IoT Insights service persistence.
