Bosch IoT Suite

Subscribe an Asset Communication package instance


In case you have a package subscription already, feel free to skip this step and proceed with First configuration steps.

Subscribe to the Bosch IoT Suite to create your own package instance to work with.

  1. Use the Bosch IoT Suite home page as an entry point.

  2. Click images/confluence/download/thumbnails/894245020/my-account.png My Bosch ID and Sign in with your Bosch ID.

    1. In case you do not have an account yet, register a new one (Sign up for an account).

    2. After successful login in you will be re-directed to the Suite.

  3. At My Account > Service Subscriptions

    1. Click + New Subscription.

    2. Select Bosch IoT Suite for Asset Communication.

    3. Select a service plan, e.g. Free, set your Instance Name - this must be unique - and click Subscribe.

    4. Confirm the cost summary page by clicking Subscribe again.

      Free service instances are free of charge, but for evaluation purposes only and, therefore, cannot be upgraded to a paid plan at a later moment.

      To subscribe to a paid service plan, please start the subscription process via the AWS Marketplace.
      To do so, follow the links given at the sections of the payed plans.

    5. The Status will be Provisioning while the service subscription is being created.

      If the Status is not Active after some seconds, click the Refresh button.

You now have successfully subscribed to the package and created your own package instance.

To have a look at the access credentials of your package instance, click ... Show Credentials.
The following example outlines the structure of the credentials.

"things" : {
"endpoint_http" : "",
"provisioning_endpoint" : "<your_service_instance_id>",
"service_instance_id" : "xxx",
"hub" : {
"tenant_id" : "xxx",

You will need your credentials whenever you want to address the services of the package by their API.

Copy the binding credentials or at least the service instance ID to your local machine, as you will need them later on.