Bosch IoT Suite

Make things accessible for the Things dashboard

In order to make a thing visible in a dashboard you will need to make the thing accessible to an application or a user.

This example shows how to add the Bosch ID to your policy and thus make it visible on the Things dashboard.

Later you might need other settings for your own application, see Policy examples.

Add a Bosch ID to your policy

Find out your Technical User ID (Bosch ID)
If you don't know it by now, open in a new browser tab the subscriptions page ( and click Show Credentials.

You will need to create a new policy entry and give this user at least read permission.

  1. Use the API Docs > Policy resources PUT /policies/{policyId}/entries/{label}

  2. Authorize with the Suite OAuth2 token, which you have created in the step Create a Suite Auth client.
    As this subject has created the thing, it should be listed in the DEFAULT entry with the most extensive permission set, and will thus be allowed to change the policy.

  3. Set the Policy ID of your thing, which you have retrieved at provisioning. See Device provisioning via API.

  4. Enter any string into the label input field, e.g. "solution-owner"

  5. Edit the body part

    "subjects": {
    "bosch:S-x-x-your-bosch-ID-xxx@ciamids_3692D578-A9D4-406A-8675-0964925256AA": {
    "type": "bosch-id"
    "resources": {
    "thing:/": {
    "grant": [
    "revoke": [ ]

    1. Replace the placeholder S-x-x-your-bosch-ID-xxx with your ID

    2. Make sure to keep the @ciamids_3692D578-A9D4-406A-8675-0964925256AA with the client ID of the Things service, as our Things dashboard will expect this client.
      Example: "bosch:S-1-2-3@ciamids_3692D578-A9D4-406A-8675-0964925256AA"

  6. Execute the request.

  7. Verify that the request was successful (Code 201).

Open the Things dashboard

As soon as you have permission to read the thing values, the entity should be listed in the dashboard at the Things tab.

Open in the list of your subscriptions images/confluence/download/thumbnails/894245140/suite-list-subscription-icon.png > your Suite for Asset Communication instance > Go to Dashboard > Solution > Things.
