Bosch IoT Manager


Bosch IoT Manager provides IoT developers and operators with an indispensable set of device management functionalities needed in IoT solutions. These include mass device management, rule-based automation, monitoring, diagnostics and troubleshooting of various connected devices communicating via different protocols. It has inbuilt support for sending commands to edge devices and gateways modeled as digital twins.

Bosch IoT Manager offers flexible and convenient ways to implement these functionalities, providing feature-rich APIs and powerful scalability options.

Bosch IoT Manager within Bosch IoT Suite

Bosch IoT Suite is a comprehensive portfolio of cloud-based services providing all the core functionalities typically required for IoT use cases. In this ecosystem, Bosch IoT Manager contributes with the device management capabilities described above.

Bosch IoT Manager is tightly integrated with the other services forming part of Bosch IoT Device Management, in particular Bosch IoT Rollouts (software updates layer), Bosch IoT Things (digital twin layer), Bosch IoT Hub (device connectivity layer), as well as with Bosch IoT Edge, as presented on the diagram below.


Key features

  • Rich in functionalities - mass device management, rule-based automation, monitoring, diagnostics and troubleshooting, etc.

  • Modern and scalable cloud-native architecture

  • Multi-tenancy based on the Suite Auth service

  • Modern-design Java and REST APIs

  • Easy integration with all other Bosch IoT Suite services

  • Essential part of Bosch IoT Device Management

Key components

  • Mass Management Engine

    • Executes mass management actions on groups of gateways and edge devices registered in the Suite and modeled as things

    • Manual and automated triggering of mass device management actions

    • Various inbuilt adjustment options, increasing the efficiency of each use case

    • Provides Java and REST APIs

  • Device Inventory

    • Allows listing, filtering and grouping devices for the purposes of monitoring, management and mass management

    • Delivers device information restricted to the authorized scope of the user

    • Represents things in a user-friendly way and allows executing operations on them

    • Retrieves the things and delivers them to the Mass Management Engine

    • Provides Java and REST APIs

  • IoT Manager Console

    • Optional and user-friendly Web UI which provides the full functionality of the Bosch IoT Manager service

    • Allows operators to monitor and manage their connected devices, as well as to schedule and track mass management operations and rules