Bosch IoT Manager


Here you will find the meaning of some of the most frequently used terms within the context of Bosch IoT Manager. This should help towards disambiguation and serve as a map of where to look for more detailed information related to the specific term you have encountered in your day-to-day operations.



Bosch IoT Suite

The Bosch IoT Suite provides middleware capabilities needed to build sophisticated IoT applications from top to bottom. It is provided as a set of cloud services.

Bosch IoT Things

The Bosch IoT Things is a cloud service of the Bosch IoT Suite.

A thing is a generic entity and is mostly used to cluster multiple features and manage the access to the data and functionality the thing represents.
A thing may have additional (static) meta data (attributes) that describes the thing in more detail.

See Things and Features.

Bosch IoT Hub

The Bosch IoT Hub is a cloud service of the Bosch IoT Suite.

It allows you to connect devices through various protocols to IoT applications in an easy and secure manner.

See Bosch IoT Hub

Bosch IoT Edge

Bosch IoT Edge is made up of two components:

  • Bosch IoT Edge Agent provides the essential IoT enablement for an edge device that are native and lightweight - cloud connectivity local messaging, software updates and containers management. Bosch IoT Edge Agent is modular native application that runs on the device, portable for wide variety of device platforms - from small microcontrollers with Zephyr to powerful edge compute nodes.

  • Bosch IoT Edge Services (formerly Bosch IoT Gateway Software) provides extended device connectivity and advanced edge services such as history, statistics, rules engine, etc., including tools for building and deploying the right set of services for your device.

See Bosch IoT Edge

Device Inventory

It provides capabilities for monitoring device states and configurations, as well as for listing, filtering and grouping devices, which is also used in the execution of mass management operations. The Device Inventory also supports instant execution of management actions over the manageable devices in a convenient way.

Mass Management

A process which simplifies and facilitates the execution of management actions over large numbers of devices with a single operation. This process can be direct and unconditional, or automated and condition-based, which in Bosch IoT Manager is realized through tasks and rules, respectively.


A device is a representation of physical or logical IoT device at the Bosch IoT Hub service. Devices includes both edge devices and gateways.


Tasks can be defined as instantly launched, one-off executions of a management action script on a set of devices (i.e. scope), as adjusted by execution options. One of the main building blocks of the mass management process.


The automated execution of a Task or a group of Tasks upon the occurrence of a relevant trigger. Each triggering of the rule launches a task, and from there the process continues as described for single tasks. In other words, rules automate the execution of tasks.

Rules not only automate the mass device management process, but provide a number of ways in which this automation can be tailored to the needs of the use case.


The trigger enables the automatic execution of a management task upon the occurrence of certain events and conditions. The triggers supported by Bosch IoT Manager are:

  • Manual

  • Cron

  • Thing Event


The action element is a Groovy script which defines the effect which the task is intended to produce, for example the execution of device actions and/or the calling of internal or external cloud service APIs.


The multi-faceted language for the Java platform, adopted as a scripting language for runtime programming and appointing management tasks over the system.


The scope element defines the targets on which a management action will be executed. There are two scope alternatives - device scope and system scope.


Determines whether the firing of the rule will lead to the execution of an action on the managed devices, may be implemented as:

  • an RQL filter matched against the event data

  • a Groovy script that will be evaluated to true or false

RQL Filter

The Resource Query Language (RQL) is a query language designed for use in URIs with object style data structures. […]

RQL can be thought as basically a set of nestable named operators which each have a set of arguments. RQL is designed to have an extremely simple, but extensible grammar that can be written in a URL friendly query string.

See RQL expressions


An event reflects a change in the state of a managed device which. In the perspective of Bosch IoT Manager an event may trigger a rule execution.

Partial Execution

Executions and reporting of asynchronous methods and closures.


An open, anonymous, block of code that can take arguments, return a value and be assigned to a variable.

Firing (of a Rule)

A preliminary stage in the Rule life cycle in which the Trigger condition and/or the General Condition are evaluated, and if they are satisfied, the Rule is triggered.

Triggering (of a Rule)

The stage in the Rule life cycle where the process moves to actual execution of the mass management action.

Device Group

A static or dynamic group of devices, which is modeled as a thing. Groups can be used for easier navigation through the device fleet and can also serve as a basis for mass management operation executions on a sub-set of devices (groups are used in defining the scope of tasks and rules).

Bosch IoT Edge Services - Functional Items Management (FIM)

The Functional Items Management (FIM) module is part of Bosch IoT Edge Services.
It aims to unify the control of miscellaneous units (Functional Items or FIs). Within the OSGi framework it provides a common interface to manage different types of controllable components (e.g. devices, user groups, automation, cloud services, UI widgets).

See FIM module documentation

Bosch IoT Suite Console

Web UI - available for customers who booked an instance of Bosch IoT Asset Communication or Bosch IoT Device Management. It can be accessed via the Developer Console button of the respective subscription.

Eclipse Vorto

Eclipse Vorto is an open-source project for semantic modelling of digital twins and their capabilities.

Eclipse Vorto GitHub Repository

Publicly available repository for Eclipse Vorto models.

Eclipse Vorto models

Semantic models of digital twins that can be used by Bosch IoT Suite and third party applications.