Policy of a solution

The solution policy defines the access rules for your solution.

tip Editing the solution policy is pretty similar to editing any other policy. While any change can turn out quite powerful and can only be undone via a new request by someone who is authorized, the rule number one is: do not lock yourself out. Further, it is not recommended to empower other users to write the policy, as these could also result in locking you out, either by mistake or by purpose.

Manage your solution programmatically

In some cases, it is useful to manage your solution programmatically.

By default a solution’s policy looks like the following.

	"policyId": "com.bosch.iot.things.solution:<your-service-instance-id>",
	"entries": {
		"DEFAULT": {
			"subjects": {
				"bosch:<bosch-id-of-the-one-who-triggered-the-subscription>": {
					"type": "generated"
				"iot-suite:/organization.<org-guid>.Developer": {
					"type": "generated"
				"iot-suite:/organization.<org-guid>.Manager": {
					"type": "generated"
				"iot-suite:/organization.<org-guid>.Owner": {
					"type": "generated"
				"iot-suite:/service-instance.<your-service-instance-id>.iot-things@iot-things": {
					"type": "generated"
			"resources": {
				"policy:/": {
					"grant": [
					"revoke": []
				"solution:/": {
					"grant": [
					"revoke": []
			"subjects": {
				"iot-suite:/service-instance.<your-service-instance-id>.iot-things@developer-console": {
					"type": "generated suite auth client subject"
			"resources": {
				"solution:/": {
					"grant": [
					"revoke": []

tip The subjects “iot-suite:/organization..Developer”, “iot-suite:/organization..Manager”, and “iot-suite:/organization..Owner” are added by default at subscription time for new subscriptions after June 23, 2021. If your subscription is older, feel free to manually add those entries to your solution’s policy. This will enable your team to manage all solutions sub-resources like namespaces, connections, clients etc. see all at apidocs > Bosch IoT Things > Solutions.

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