Bosch IoT Device Management - will be discontinued by mid 2024

Trigger a software update

Finally you will need to assign the distribution - the bundle prepared by you - to your target, i.e. the gateway device based on Bosch IoT Edge that you registered.

Trigger the update

Navigate to the Deployment view.

  1. The Targets column should display your registered device.

  2. The Distributions column should display your distribution set created at the step Prepare a software update.

    If for any reason you do not see your device or distribution, feel free to use the search dialog at the top-right corners of the respective columns or go through the steps once again.

  3. Assign your Distribution Set to your target (device) via drag&drop.

  4. In the Confirm Assignment dialog that opens, select Forced and click OK - this initiates the software update process.

    Currently, Bosch IoT Device Management does not support the Time Forced and Use maintenance window options when assigning а distribution.


    Find more information on the other available options in the Deployment: Action Types section of Deployment view.

    After the software update has been downloaded or installed successfully on the device, it needs to communicate this with the cloud service, so that the twin state can be updated accordingly. This means that the device has to send feedback to Bosch IoT Device Management, communicating that a particular step in the process has indeed completed. The final intention of this procedure is to update the status of the target in Bosch IoT Rollouts and complete the whole software update process.

    See the expected flow of messages between Bosch IoT Device Management and the device at Communicate software update statuses from a device to Bosch IoT Device Management.

Check your work

  • The yellow status at the Deployment view shows the status pending.

  • Once it turns to green, your update has been successful.

  • You may check the Action history for details by clicking the Maximize button as indicated below:

  • The Action history view stores all feedback messages sent by the device.


The update is now deployed to your Bosch IoT Edge device on your local machine.

Once the update is successfully installed, you should be able to see that the device has downloaded the new bundle.

you have successfully completed our Getting Started tutorial. You can now continue your journey by:

  • Diving into the Concepts or

  • Learning how to use more complex Device Management-related features in our How-to guides.