Bosch IoT Device Management - will be discontinued by mid 2024

Software update guides

This page brings together references to more complex topics related to your device fleet and its software components, launching software updates, and creating large-scale rollout campaigns. In particular, there you will find detailed instructions on the different views, provided by the Bosch IoT Rollouts User Interface.

Use the following views:

  • Deployment view - in order to monitor the status, manage all targets and perform manual deployment.

  • Rollout view - in order to create, update, start, copy and delete large-scale rollouts.

  • Target Filter view - in order to use defined custom queries, used for creating custom target filters.

  • Distributions view - in order to manage distribution sets, their software modules and the respective types.

  • Upload view - in order to browse, create, delete and update Software Modules and Software Module Types.

  • User Management view - in order to add and remove Bosch Accounts for using Bosch IoT Rollouts and assign the desired permissions.

  • Statistics view - in order to benefit from statistical overviews of the target status and repository content.

  • System Configuration view - in order to configure tenant global settings for Bosch IoT Rollouts.