Simulate the software update on the demo device
During a software update, a device reports intermediate states about the current download and installation progress.
The demo device allows an interactive step-by-step execution of typical state transitions. These status changes are reflected in the Devices view of the device (feature softwareUpdates) and Bosch IoT Rollouts evaluates all status changes and keeps their history.
In this tutorial section, you can also simulate sending log messages on behalf of the device. Such messages could be useful for identifying issues on the device while updating.
The virtual demo device provides the following sections for the software update:
Software update process
Shows the progress of the current update operation.
Allows to trigger a state transition (i.e. Next button)
Allows to edit an optional log message (i.e. Message entry field)
Allows to simulate a failure (i.e. Failure button - which will skip the current module and try the next, in case the distribution contains more modules)
Software modules
Shows the simulated status of the downloaded and installed software modules.
Lists all software artifacts which are part of a software module.
Re-connect your device
Navigate back to the browser tab of your demo device.
On the virtual demo device, collapse the sections "Connection", "Sensors", and "Actors" and focus on section Software update process, and Software modules.
In case your device was offline, the Forced update could not have reached the device.
The settings might look like in following screenshot.
As soon as you will now connect the demo device, the update command sent by Bosch IoT Rollouts is automatically acknowledged by the demo device.
Perform an interactive step-by-step execution of the update
The section Software update process displays the first step of the install operation on the device.
The section Software modules shows the software modules of the distribution set that should be installed (here: one module demo-sw, version 1.0.0, including one artifact).
Click Next to trigger a state transition and the update of the feature SoftwareUpdates of the related thing.
Optionally, you can edit the message for each step which will be visible in the action history within Bosch IoT Rollouts.
Afterwards, proceed with the next steps in the same way.
The install dialog shows here step 1of 6.
Although the demo device does not really consume the uploaded software, the steps for the simulation are:
STARTED - acknowledges, that the device is online and ready for the update.
INSTALLING - now it knows the exact name of the software module demo-sw (which contains the artifact
DOWNLOADING - now it knows the exact URL where to retrieve the
DOWNLOADED - acknowledges the checksum of the zip.
INSTALLED - acknowledges that the software module demo-sw is installed.
FINISHED_SUCCESS - confirms, that the device is updated.
To watch the details of each step at the demo device, click the burger icon ≡ at the top-right of section Software update process.
At the last step, click Success to confirm the successful update
The installation status will be displayed respectively:
Alternatively, you could also simulate an error during the update by clicking Failure.
Check the result at the Bosch IoT Suite Console
The softwareUpdates feature displayed a the Bosch IoT Suite Console should also show the changes.
Open the Devices tab > the demo thing > Features > search software.
Upon success, the status should be displayed respectively.
Check the result at the Bosch IoT Rollouts UI
Upon success the status will be displayed green.
Additionally, you see the passed action states during the update process and the assigned log messages.
In case the device could not be reached, in section "Action history" you can also see if Bosch IoT Rollouts is still trying to connect to the device, and perform the distribution.
In case of endless loops, you can cancel or force quit these activities.
Use the black cross icon at the upper right corner for cancel.
In case the "Active" icon still shows activity, use the red cross icon at the upper right corner for force quit.
Check the statistics at the Bosch IoT Rollouts UI
As you have only one target, the successful updates shows 100%.
However, these dashboard gets a lot more interesting, once you will trigger a more sophisticated campaign to thousands of devices spread allover the globe.
you have successfully completed the software update part