Policy of a thing
A policy enables developers to configure fine-grained access control for things and other entities in an easy way.
Find the API reference at Bosch IoT Thing > HTTP API version 2 > Policies resources.
Table of contents:
Authorization concept
A specific policy provides someone (called subject), permission to READ and/or WRITE at a given resource.
The WRITE permission at the policy root resource (i.e. “policy:/”) allows to manage the policy itself.
Please note, that in most cases it makes sense to grant READ permission in addition to a WRITE permission, because WRITE does not imply READ.
Who can be addressed?
A subject can be a technical client or a user.
Examples for subjects
: {
: {
: {
: {
Built-in subject ID pattern
You can find the subject IDs for your current authentication, using the Who Am I-REST call.
See FAQ > Configure a custom OAuth2 authorization provider.
Prefix / issuer (mandatory) |
ID (mandatory) |
Type (informational) |
Description |
Example |
bosch |
<BoschId>@<clientId> |
bosch-id |
Recommended notation: the ID of a Bosch account (<BoschId>) and the client ID (<clientId>) separated by an at (@) character. |
bosch:xxx-bosch-id-xxx@456 |
integration |
<solutionId>:<your-postfix> |
hub, amqp, or mqtt |
The ID of a technical client, used for receiving or publishing messages over Connections. |
integration:xxx-solution-id-xxx:hub |
iot-suite |
/<iot-things-scope>@<clientId> |
suite-auth |
Recommended notation: a slash (/) followed by the “Client Scope” of Bosch IoT Things (<iot-things-scope>) and “Client ID” (<clientId>) of the OAuth2 client managed at Bosch IoT Suite portal separated by an at (@) character. |
iot-suite:/service-instance.4-5-6.iot-things@7-8-9 |
iot-suite |
/organization.<org-guid>.<Role> |
team-role |
Recommended notation: a slash (/) followed by organization, a dot (.), the <org-guid>, a dot (.), the <Role-is-case-sensitive> at Bosch IoT Suite portal. |
iot-suite:/organization.<org-guid>.Owner iot-suite:/organization.<org-guid>.Developer iot-suite:/organization.<org-guid>.Manager |
iot-things |
<solutionId>:<your-postfix> |
iot-things-client-id |
The ID of a technical client (Java client) |
iot-things:xxx-solution-id-xxx:my-app |
<UUID> |
google-id |
The ID of a Google user |
google:123 |
Custom subject of your custom OAuth2 authorization provider
Upon request, the service team will configure your custom OAuth2 authorization provider (which needs to be OpenID Connect compliant, see https://openid.net/connect/).
Will need to know the specific URL of the issuer. Find details at the FAQ section.
Prefix / issuer (mandatory) |
ID (mandatory) |
Type (informational) |
Description |
Your will get a custom prefix |
Your custom IDs will be derived from the value of the external_sub claim e.g. <external_sub>/<scope> |
The type is offered only for documentation purposes. You are not restricted to any specific types. |
For each scope of the JWT, a subject with the format |
As a second step, you will need to register a client to your subscription.
See APIdocs - PUT /solutions/{solutionId}/clients.
The type is offered only for documentation purposes. You are not restricted to any specific types, but we recommend to use it to specify the kind of the subject as shown in our examples.
Subject expiry
A policy subject may optionally contain an expiry timestamp (a string in ISO-8601 format).
By defining an expiry timestamp you can specify that certain subjects (e.g. users or applications) may only be allowed until a certain time to e.g. access or modify a resource secured by the policy.
A subject having an expiry timestamp will get automatically deleted from the policy once this timestamp was reached.
Policy actions are available via the HTTP API and can be invoked for specific policy entries or for complete policies.
They require neither READ nor WRITE permission, but instead a granted EXECUTE permission on the specific action name, e.g. for a single policy entry:
Activate or deactivate a token integration subject
When authenticating using OpenID Connect, it is possible to inject a subject into policies. The subject expires when the JSON Web Token (JWT) expires. A subject with the EXECUTE permission on a policy entry is authorized to inject the token integration subject. The WRITE permission on the policy entry is not necessary. However, for the activateTokenIntegration action, at least one READ permission to a thing:/ resource path must be granted.
The token integration subject follows the pattern: integration:<iot-things-solution-id>:<jwt-client-id>
The <jwt-client-id> is extracted either from a JWT claim client_id, or, if client_id was not present in the JWT, from the azp claim from the JWT.
To activate or deactivate a token integration subject, send a POST request to the following HTTP routes:
POST /api/2/policies/{policy-id}/actions/activateTokenIntegration
Injects a new subject into all matched policy entries calculated with information extracted from the authenticated JWT.The authenticated token must be granted the EXECUTE permission to perform the activateTokenIntegration action.
One of the subject IDs must be contained in the authenticated token.
At least one READ permission to a thing:/ resource path must be granted.
POST /api/2/policies/{policy-id}/actions/deactivateTokenIntegration
Removes the calculated subject with information extracted from the authenticated JWT from all matched policy entries.The authenticated token must be granted the EXECUTE permission to perform the deactivateTokenIntegration action.
One of the subject IDs must be contained in the authenticated token.
POST /api/2/policies/{policy-id}/entries/{label}/actions/activateTokenIntegration
Injects the calculated subject into the policy entry specified by the label. The subject is calculated with information extracted from the authenticated JWT.The authenticated token must be granted the EXECUTE permission to perform the activateTokenIntegration action.
One of the subject IDs must be contained in the authenticated token.
At least one READ permission to a thing:/ resource path must be granted.
POST /api/2/policies/{policy-id}/entries/{label}/actions/deactivateTokenIntegration
Removes the calculated subject from the policy entry specified by the label. The subject is calculated with information extracted from the authenticated JWT.The authenticated token must be granted the EXECUTE permission to perform the deactivateTokenIntegration action.
One of the subject IDs must be contained in the authenticated token.
Which resources can be controlled?
A policy can contain access control definitions for several resources:
Someone who was granted WRITE permission at the policy root resource (i.e. policy:/) is allowed to manage the policy itself.
The policy resource (addressable as “policy:/”) defines the access control for the policy itself.
Resource |
Addressed data, description |
policy:/ |
The policy itself (top-level) |
policy:/policyId |
The ID of the policy. |
policy:/entries |
Applies to all entries of the policy. |
policy:/entries/X |
Applies to all subjects and resources of the specific entry X. |
policy:/entries/X/actions |
Applies to all actions of the specific entry X. |
policy:/entries/X/actions/Y |
Applies to action Y of the specific entry X. |
policy:/entries/X/subjects |
Applies to all subjects of the specific entry X. |
policy:/entries/X/subjects/Y |
Applies to subject Y of the specific entry X. |
policy:/entries/X/resources |
Applies to all resources of the specific entry X. |
policy:/entries/X/resources/Y |
Applies to resource Y of the specific entry X. |
Please make sure to define at least one user (for which you have the credentials) with top-level READ and WRITE permissions on the policy, otherwise you won’t be able to access/change it.
Thing and features
The resource can be defined as rough or as fine-grained as necessary for the respective use case: e.g. “thing:/” as top-level resource, or on sub-resources such as “thing:/features”. At runtime, the permissions are propagated down to all thing sub-entities.
In case you grant READ permission on top-level and revoke it at a sub-entity, the subject can read the upper part only.
In case you omit a subject at top-level but grant permission at a sub-entity, the subject can access the lower part only (and the thingId).
The thing resource (addressable as “thing:/”) defines the access control for things.
Resource |
Addressed data, description |
thing:/ |
The thing itself (top-level). |
thing:/thingId |
The ID of the thing. |
thing:/policyId |
Applies to the policy ID of the thing, which implicitly defines its access control. |
thing:/definition |
Applies to the definition field of the thing. |
thing:/attributes |
Applies to all attributes of the thing. |
thing:/attributes/X |
Applies to the specific attribute X and its sub-paths. |
thing:/features |
Applies to all features of the thing. |
thing:/features/X |
Applies to the feature with ID X and all its sub-paths. |
thing:/features/X/properties |
Applies to all properties of the feature X. |
thing:/features/X/properties/Y |
Applies to the property with path Y (and its sub-paths) of the feature with ID X. |
thing:/features/X/desiredProperties |
Applies to all desired properties of the feature X. |
thing:/features/X/desiredProperties/Y |
Applies to the desired property with path Y (and its sub-paths) of the feature with ID X. |
The resource can be defined as rough or as fine-grained as necessary for the respective use case: e.g. “message:/” as top-level resource.
The message resource (addressable as “message:/”) defines the access control for messages.
Resource |
Addressed data, description |
message:/ |
All messages (top-level) |
message:/inbox |
Applies to all messages sent to a specific thing (or multiple things referencing this policy) |
message:/inbox/messages/X |
Applies to all messages on message-subject X, sent to a thing referencing this policy |
message:/outbox |
Applies to all messages sent from a thing referencing this policy |
message:/outbox/messages/X |
Applies to all messages on message-subject X, sent from a thing referencing this policy |
message:/features |
Messages for all features |
message:/features/Y |
Applies to all messages sent to or from feature Y of a things referencing this policy |
message:/features/Y/inbox |
Applies to all messages sent to feature Y of a thing referencing this policy |
message:/features/Y/inbox/messages/X |
Applies to all messages on message-subject X sent to feature Y of a thing referencing this policy |
message:/features/Y/outbox |
Applies to all messages sent from feature Y of a thing referencing this policy |
message:/features/Y/outbox/messages/X |
Applies to all messages on message-subject X sent from feature Y of a thing referencing this policy |
Someone who was granted WRITE permission at the solution root resource (i.e. solution:/) is allowed to manage the solution itself.
The solution policy defines the access rules for your solution. See Solution policy.
The solution resource (addressable as “solution:/”) defines the access control for your service instance.
For the table of all resource paths see Solution policy.
Grant and revoke permission
Change |
Permission |
Description |
grant |
All subjects named in the section are granted READ permission on the resources specified in the path, and all nested paths, except they are revoked at a deeper level, or another policy entry (label). |
grant |
All subjects named in the section are granted WRITE permission on the resources specified in the path, and all nested paths, except they are revoked at a deeper level, or another policy entry (label). |
grant |
All subjects named in the section are granted EXECUTE permission on the resources specified in the path, and all nested paths, except they are revoked at a deeper level, or another policy entry (label). |
revoke |
All subjects named in the section are prohibited to READ on the resources specified in the path, and all nested paths, except they are granted again such permission at a deeper level, or another policy entry (label). |
revoke |
All subjects named in the section are prohibited to WRITE on the resources specified in the path, and all nested paths, except they are granted again such permission at a deeper level, or another policy entry (label). |
revoke |
All subjects named in the section are prohibited to EXECUTE on the resources specified in the path, and all nested paths, except they are granted again such permission at a deeper level, or another policy entry (label). |
Tools for editing a policy
The policy can be edited with a text editor of your choice. Just make sure it is in valid JSON representation, and that at least one valid subject is granted WRITE permission at the root resources.
The easiest way is, to copy the model schema provided at the interactive HTTP API documentation, and adapt it to your needs.
In case of fine-grained access on things, keep an eye on your actual thing structure to make sure that all paths will be granted or revoked the permissions your use case is supposed to support.