Parameters and operations
Table of contents:
Parameter: filter
The filter parameter defines the search query by aggregation of the following operators.
Please note that whitespaces are only allowed inside of quoted string values.
For example: eq(attributes/manufacturer, "ACME") is not allowed because of the whitespace after the comma,
but eq(attributes/manufacturer,"ACME") and eq(attributes/manufacturer,"ACME Holding") are okay.
Relational operators
eq(<property>, <value>) = <query>
(i.e. equal to the given value)
Example - things owned by “SID123”
ne(<property>, <value>) = <query>
(i.e. not equal to the given value)
Example - things with manufacturer different than “SID123”
The response will contain only things which do provide an manufacturer attribute (in this case with value 0 or not SID123).
gt(<property>, <value>) = <query>
(i.e. greater than to the given value)
Example - things with thing ID greater than “A000”
ge(<property>, <value>) = <query>
(i.e. equal to the given value or greater than it)
Example - things with thing ID “A000” or greater
lt(<property>, <value>) = <query>
(i.e. lower than the given value)
Example - things with thing ID lower than “A000”
le(<property>, <value>) = <query>
(i.e. lower than the given value or equal to it)
Example - things with thing ID “A000” or lower
in(<property>, <value>, <value> , ...) = <query>
(i.e. contains at least one of the values listed)
Example - things with thing ID “A000” or “AB00” or “AZ99”
like(<property>, <value>) = <query>
(i.e. contains values similar to the expressions listed)
Details concerning the like-operator
The like operator provides some regular expression capabilities for pattern matching Strings.
The following expressions are supported:
startswith* => match at the start of a specific String.
*endswith => match at the end of a specific String.
*contains* => match if contains a specific String.
Th?ng => match for a wildcard character.
exists(<property>) = <query>
(i.e. all things in which the given path exists)
Example - things which have a Feature with ID “feature_1”
Example - lamp features which are located in the living-room
filter=and(exists(features/lamp), eq(attributes/location,"living-room"))
Details on property
<property> = url-encoded-string
To search for nested properties, we use JSON Pointer notation (RFC-6901 -
The following example shows how to search for the sub property location of the parent property attributes with a forward slash as separator:
Details on value
<value> = <number>, <string>, true, false, null
<number> = double, integer
<string> = ", url-encoded-string, "
Comparison of string values
Comparison operators such as gt, ge, lt and le, do not support a special “semantics” of string comparison (e.g. regarding alphabetical or lexicographical ordering). However, you can rely on the alphabetical sorting of strings with the same length (e.g. “aaa” < “zzz”) and that the order stays the same over multiple/different search requests.
Comparison of other data types
Please note that the comparison of other data types is supported by the API, but it only supports comparison of same data types, and does not do any conversion during comparison.
Logical operators
and(<query>,<query>, ...) = <query>
(i.e. all given values match)
Example - things which are located on the “upper floor” in the “living-room”
filter=and(eq(attributes/floor,"upper floor"),eq(attributes/location,"living-room"))
or(<query>,<query>, ...) = <query>
(i.e. at least one of the given values match)
Example - all things located on the “upper floor”, and all things with location “living-room”
filter=or(eq(attributes/floor,"upper floor"),eq(attributes/location,"living-room"))
not(<query>) = <query>
(i.e. the negation/opposite of the given query)
Example - search for all things with floor different than “upper floor” or without any floor attribute, and location different than “living-room” or without any location attribute
filter=not(eq(attributes/floor,"upper floor"),eq(attributes/location,"living-room"))
When using a negating expression, such as not or ne, (not equal) please keep in mind that you might experience a longer time to get the response. Compared to other search operators we observed longer response times ourselves.
Parameter: namespaces
The namespaces parameter is optional.
If omitted, the search field is restricted to all namespaces registered for the solution (correlating to the API token used for the request).
Setting the namespaces parameter allows to specify one or multiple namespaces where to apply the search criteria.
Example - things in specified namespaces,org.eclipse.ditto
Parameter: option
Optional parameter defining one or more options like sorting or pagination:
Sort option
Use + for an ascending sort order (URL encoded character %2B)
Use - for a descending sort order (URL encoded character %2D)
Example - sort the list ascending by the thing ID
Example - sort the list ascending by an attribute
Example - multiple sort options
This expression will sort the list descending by location attribute.
In case there are multiple things with the same location attribute, these are sorted ascending by their ID.
Sorting of string values
Sorting does not support a special “semantics” of string comparison (e.g. regarding alphabetical or lexicographical ordering). However, you can rely on the alphabetical sorting of strings with the same length (e.g. “aaa” < “zzz”) and that the order stays the same over multiple/different search requests.
Sorting of other values
Sorting does not support a special “semantics” of comparison for fields with values of different data types (e.g. numbers vs. strings). However, you can rely on the fact that values of the same type are sorted respectively.
Paging options
Limits the search results to <count> items.
If the paging option is not explicitly specified, the default value size(25) is used,
i.e. the first 25 results are returned.The maximum allowed count is 200.
Starts the search at the position of the cursor with ID <cursor-id>. The cursor ID is obtained from the field cursor of a previous response and marks the position after the last entry of the previous search. A response includes no cursor if there are no more results.
If a request has a cursor option, then any included filter or sort option may not differ from the original request of the cursor. Otherwise, the request is rejected.
The meaning of cursor IDs is undefined.
The paging option limit({offset},{count}) is deprecated.
In case you still use the old option, slow queries or timeouts might occur.
Also, the old options might be removed without further notice.