Monitor executions in bulk
To follow these steps, open Executions from the left navigation.
Via Executions, you can monitor:
a device in the context of mass management executions (tasks and rules in which it has been involved)
a subset of devices in the context of mass management executions - according to their execution state
a task with all its involved devices and their specific execution details, as well as origin (standalone or rule-based)
a rule with all its involved devices and their specific execution details, as well the tasks which the rule has launched automatically
List executions
When you open Executions from the left navigation, you will see a list of all executions - on all devices, in the context of all tasks and rules that have been executed so far.
Elsewhere in the documentation, you may see this referred to as a flat list of executions or just flat executions.
This list can be further filtered and configured, as we will explain below.
With the default configuration, the executions are grouped by task on device.
This list is collapsed and you can expand it further to see fine-grained monitoring details in the form of partial executions.
Select a partial execution from the list to see its detailed information.
Click the data actions icon
to change how the list is presented - grouped by task on device or a bulk list of partial executions.
Configure list
You can add and remove columns from the list of executions via the check boxes and/or via the search bar available in the Configure columns menu (last icon on the header).
If your executions are grouped by task on device, on the top level of the executions list, the Task ID column will display the summarized execution name.
When you expand an execution and select any of its partial executions, the Task ID column will display the ID of the task which launched this execution.
This is so because an execution of the Groovy action script always happens on a particular device in the context of a task - regardless of whether the task is launched individually by the user or triggered automatically by a rule.
Search and filter executions
You can search for executions via the Search bar by entering the whole or a part of the Task ID.
You can also filter the list of executions according to various criteria.
Click the Filter icon to access a menu where:
you have quick filters to device subsets based on their execution state
you can sort the results
you can filter by entering a task ID / rule ID / device ID
Active filters are displayed on top of the filtered list and can be deactivated via x.
In addition, when you are redirected to Executions from another UI feature, e.g. Devices / Tasks / Rules, the list of executions will be automatically filtered.