Bosch IoT Device Management - will be discontinued by mid 2024

Login to Bosch IoT Hub - Management API

For tenant configuration, device registration, and credential management you can use the provided UI of the Bosch IoT Suite: Bosch IoT Hub - Management API.


You have subscribed to the Bosch IoT Device Management service.


  1. Open the Bosch IoT Suite: Bosch IoT Hub - Management API in a new browser window.

  2. Click the Authorize button.

  3. Enter the credentials you have retrieved from the Bosch IoT Suite UI.

    Use the Management API credentials.

    The Username is formed as follows:

    • manager@YOUR_TENANT or,

    • device-registry@YOUR_TENANT if the service was booked until August 2020.

    The Password is the plaintext password that was created during the credential registration.

Your are now logged in to the Bosch IoT Hub - Management API.