Bosch IoT Device Management - will be discontinued by mid 2024

Execute feature operations

You are currently at Bosch IoT Manager Console (Dashboard) > Device Management > Feature Info view

When the Vorto model of the selected feature has defined any operations (actions), the Actions Info panel (bottom right) will be populated with buttons for all such actions.

Thus they can be called on the feature directly by just clicking the respective button. When you hover over a button, you will see a short description of the action, as well as its corresponding script. You may copy it via the rightmost button.

You may include these scripts in the definition of actions for mass management tasks and rules.


If you call any of these actions, a dialogue will appear once the action has been executed. It will display the name of the action, the feature on which it has been invoked, and the response, if any.


If the Actions Info panel does not list any actions, see Set Feature Properties.