Delete a connection
Before deleting a connection, please make sure that no other devices rely on this connection.
The easiest way is to delete old connection metrics, and watch at a later point in time if the connection is obsolete and can be deleted.
The Bosch IoT Hub to Thing connection is stored at the Things service.
Use the Bosch IoT Things HTTP API, and authenticate with a token.
Deleting a connection is also supported at the Connections UI.
Open the Connections UI.
Click the connection which needs to be deleted.
Click Edit.
Click Delete.
Finally, confirm if you really don't need it any longer.
Further notes
Deleting a namespace - will automatically delete ALL things and policies which have been registered with that namespace.
Deleting a Things service instance - will automatically delete ALL things, policies, namespaces and connections implicitly.
Deleting a Hub instance - will automatically delete ALL devices, credentials and the tenant.
Deleting a Suite authentication client - will only delete the respective OAuth2 client and the application will no longer be able to use this client for authorization.