Bosch IoT Device Management - will be discontinued by mid 2024

Configure access to a private Vorto repository

You can configure your Bosch IoT Suite subscription to search for custom Vorto model definitions in a private GitHub repository, in addition to the models available in the public Vorto GitHub repository.

To grant access to your private Vorto models, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Subscriptions from the left sidebar

  2. Select your relevant subscription to see its Subscription details

  3. Click the Private Vorto model repository blade at the bottom

  4. Click the actions icon on the top right and from the menu that opens, click the Edit icon


In the dialog that opens:

  1. Enter a GitHub username and GitHub repository

  2. Enter a Relative path to Vorto models in the format /{username}/{repository}/contents/{path}, for example /test-user/my-private-repository/contents/models.
    The private Vorto repository should follow the same directory structure as that of the public Vorto repository.

  3. Enter a GitHub personal access token (PAT), which allows read access to this repository

  4. Click Verify Access

  5. Click OK


Configure your OAuth2 client

To access a private Vorto repository you also need to add an Organization scope role to your OAuth2 client.

Learn how to create a new OAuth2 client at Set up OAuth2 client for third-party applications.

To get the appropriate access credentials for this use case, go to the organization scope possibilities and select a role among Owner, Manager, or Developer. The Auditor role provides only read permissions.


Check how to obtain a PAT at this GitHub Docs page. Please note that a PAT grants access to all private repositories of a GitHub user. To restrict the access to a single repository, consider using a PAT of a machine user.