Add a policy entry for public cloud connections
You are empowered to change the specific policy.
Given you have a connection to a public cloud service such as described at Public cloud integration.
Use the API docs of Bosch IoT Things
Authorize with a fresh Suite OAuth token.
See Create a Suite Auth clientPolicies resource:
Click Try it out
Set the policyId to your.namespace:your-policy-name
By default, the policy ID is exactly the same as the thing ID.
Set the label to "public-cloud-example"
Set the Request body
: {
: {
: {
: {
: [
: [ ]
: {
: [
: []
Upon success you get the status 201 "The Policy entry was successfully created."
Check your work
GET /policies/{policyId} and check of the new entry is there as you need it.
: {
// same as before
: {
: {
: {
: {
: {
: [
: []
: {
: [
: []