Bosch IoT Device Management - will be discontinued by mid 2024

API references

As depicted in Bosch IoT Device Management - Building blocks, there area various interfaces, where your business solution or device integration layer can communicate with the Bosch IoT Suite.

Building block


Further notes and examples

Suite account and subscriptions management

Bosch IoT Suite - Account Management API (BETA)

Allows to programmatically manage the following type of entities:

The easiest way is to use the user interface

Suite Auth

Create a client and issue a token (JWT)

Allows to create an OAuth 2 client and client and to issue a token (JWT)

Device Provisioning

Bosch IoT Suite - Device Provisioning

Allows to programmatically register and un-register following type of entities:

  • things and their policy

  • devices and their credentials

In fact it is a wrapper around Bosch IoT Things and Bosch IoT Hub API.

Examples: Device provisioning examples via API

Bosch IoT Rollouts

aka software update layer

Software rollout API specification:

*The DDI, DMF and SIE APIs are not applicable for users of Bosch IoT Rollouts as part of Bosch IoT Device Management.

For the DDI and DMF APIs, this is because the device connectivity layer of Bosch IoT Device Management is implemented by Bosch IoT Hub.

See also their detailed entity definitions

Bosch IoT Manager

aka mass management layer

Java API documentation

Groovy APIs documentation

Consists of:




REST API documentation

Allows to programmatically manage the following type of entities:

Bosch IoT Things

aka digital twin layer

Bosch IoT Things HTTP API docs

Allows to programmatically manage the following type of entities:

Examples: Manage via Things HTTP API, Policy examples

Ditto clients


  • Solutions - managing you service subscription incl. namespace, connections etc.

The easiest way is to use the user interface, see Integration - connections examples.

Bosch IoT Hub

aka device connectivity layer

Bosch IoT Hub - Management API

Allows to programmatically manage the following type of entities:

Bosch IoT Hub - HTTP Adapter

Allows to programmatically send following type of messages


Hono API and clients

MQTT adapter


AMQP, CoAP, LoRA adapter

See Protocol adapters

Bosch IoT Edge

Edge Services APIs

Third party APIs