2022-05-19 - Bosch IoT Manager - service update
The new release of Bosch IoT Manager, part of Bosch IoT Device Management, comes with the following improvements:
Reporting of rules with system scope has been improved
Rules executed with system scope now report more valuable Execution status information such as the number of involved devices, the number of successful executions and the number of executions that have finished with errors or warning.
You can also monitor the partial executions, part of the specific rule. These improvements are visible on both Bosch IoT Manager's Java and REST APIs and via the Bosch IoT Manager UI.
Mapping between search index fields has been improved
The Bosch IoT Manager REST API provides possibilities to sort devices and groups via a number of its GET methods. However, to be able to successfully sort your list of devices or groups you need to:
Add the desired fields into the Search index fields of your namespace.
When sorting via Manager-specific fields, to take into consideration the mapping mechanism between Bosch IoT Manager and Bosch IoT Things fields.
This search index mapping mechanism between Bosch IoT Manager and Bosch IoT Things has now been greatly improved and furthermore provides important bug fixes.
See more detailed information and go through the needed steps at Using sorting fields via REST API.
Improvements on database indexing
The new version of Bosch IoT Manager also introduces improvements on its Mass management database indexing.