2020-05-15 - Hybrid offering on Microsoft Azure
The new hybrid offering of the Bosch IoT Suite for Asset Communication package, allows you to consume the Things service running on Azure infrastructure with the Hub service offering on AWS.
Start your booking via https://developer.bosch-iot-suite.com/service/asset-communication/#serviceplans
Follow the link at end of the service plan tables.
In order to book the hybrid version, make sure you choose one with the label ...
Bosch IoT Suite for Asset Communication - [...] on AWS & Microsoft Azure in Germany & Netherlands (EU-H1)In your list of subscriptions , the hybrid will be labeled AWS & Microsoft Azure Germany & Netherlands (EU-H1) respectively.
Enjoy the benefits of all the per-configurations associated with the package:
The persistent Hub-Thing connection is already established, check however that is it also open
Register your namespace
Provision new digital twins via the Developer Console
Create a Suite OAuth client for your solution and try out the HTTP API
Known limits: Due to technical restrictions on Microsoft Azure the "Server-Sent-Events" functionality of Bosch IoT Things is not yet supported on this platform. We hope to be able to support this later.