Bosch IoT Device Management

Bosch IoT Insights - service booking

Proceed as follows

  1. Use the Bosch IoT Suite portal as an entry point.

  2. Click the My Account (My Bosch ID) icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1018131374/my-account.png and then click the Sign in button.

    • In case you do not have an account yet, register a new one (Sign up for an account).

    • Log in with your Bosch ID credentials. You will be re-directed to Bosch IoT Suite.

  3. Open the My Subscriptions tab.

    1. Click the New Subscription button.

    2. Select Bosch IoT Insights.

    3. In the Instance Name field, enter a unique name for your service instance.

    4. Click the Subscribe button and confirm the cost summary page by clicking the Subscribe button again.
      → The status will be Provisioning while the service subscription is being created.

    5. In case the subscription is still not active after some seconds, click the Refresh button.

  4. Click the Show Credentials button to see your access credentials.
    The example shows the structure of the credentials.

    "service_url" : "",
    "dashboard_url" : "",
    "data_recorder_url" : "",
    "project" : "xxx",
    "username" : "xxx",
    "password" : "xxx"

Copy the credentials, as you will need them for configuring the HTTP connector to Bosch IoT Insights.
