2021-06-23 - Bosch IoT Suite Console - service update
Bosch IoT Suite Console changes
Provisioning uses Vorto models from GitHub repository
The models of the Eclipse Vorto repository have been migrated into the Eclipse Vorto GitHub repository. The provisioning API and also the provisioning wizard now use the models of this Eclipse Vorto GitHub repository:
If you want to provision via provisioning API, find a detailed example at Device provisioning with Eclipse Vorto model.
The provisioning wizard in the Bosch IoT Suite Console offers a new blade to Select a Vorto information model from the Eclipse Vorto GitHub repository.
Built-in Vorto model browser
The Bosch IoT Suite Console now provides a built-in browser for models located in the Eclipse Vorto GitHub repository.
The external Eclipse Vorto repository UI is no longer needed.
In the new Vorto models blade, all available models are listed and can be filtered by a search string and by type (e.g. functionblock or information model).
The details of a Vorto model can be opened with a click on the list entry. The Vorto model details display an image - if provided via model - the full ID, the Name, Namespace and Version, and also the Description, the model in Vorto language and useful Further links.
From the Thing blade and its Features, the Vorto icons link to the same view.
Attribute "Info" > "displayName" is always set
With the latest service update, the provisioning wizard pre-fills the Info attribute with a displayName, because the software update layer, namely Bosch IoT Rollouts will need this string. The thing name is set by default value.
If your solution requires a different value for the displayName, you can adjust it, whenever it is convenient for you:
While provisioning via Bosch IoT Suite Console:
Use the wizard's Preview step.
Click the Attributes blade and change the value.
After provisioning, you can also change it anytime:
Click the Things blade.
Select the respective thing.
Click the Attributes blade and change the value.
Faster Console startup
The Bosch IoT Suite Console now uses browser caching to speed up the startup. This significantly reduces the time from opening the Bosch IoT Suite Console until it's fully loaded and ready for use.