Bosch IoT Suite

2021-04-07 - Bosch IoT Suite Console - service update

The latest version of Bosch IoT Suite Console comes with two major improvements:

Certificate management

Bosch IoT Hub tenants can upload, replace or remove certificates for their devices.

Bosch IoT Hub allows your devices to authenticate based on X.509 client certificates.

However, for any device certificate to be recognized, the root certificates (aka CA certificates) with which the device certificates were signed need to be uploaded to your Bosch IoT Hub tenant.

In order to continuously provide a valid certificate for your devices, you have two options:

  • Add a certificate

  • Before it expires you can either

    • Add a new certificate
      In this case you have a time frame where both certificates would be valid, and you can delete later the expired certificate.

    • Replace a certificate with a new one.

We support you in managing up to 5 certificates per tenant.


See full example: Manage certificates for your Hub tenant.

Demo device management

The virtual demo device version 2.0.0 implements the "SoftwareUpdatable" feature. Please keep in mind that you will need to work with Bosch IoT Suite for Device Management instead.


The tutorial will be continued in Bosch IoT Device Management documentation soon.