Bosch IoT Suite

2020-05-05 - Device Provisioning API change

The Developer Console was a first step towards introducing you to the Eclipse Vorto information model, as a structure for your digital twin (thing).

However, the Device Provisioning API changed meanwhile, and has introduced Vorto support
(as well as a new field "skipVorto", in case your don't need a Vorto definition in your digital twin).

For provisioning with an Eclipse Vorto information model you will need to set the definition in the request body.


"id": "your.namespace:twin-with-vorto-model-01",
"hub": {
"device": {
"enabled": true
"credentials": {
"type": "hashed-password",
"secrets": [
"passwordBase64": "c2VjcmV0"
"enabled": true
"things": {
"thing": {
"definition": "",
"attributes": {
"modelDisplayName": "DigitaltwinExample",
"doc-comment": "Setting attributes is optional, but be aware that they can not be inherited from Vorto anyway"
"features": {
"doc-comment": {
"set-all-your-features": "They can have own definitions. In case they contradict the Vorto model, your custom settings win.",
"omit-setting-features": "You get them all from the Vorto repository automatically."

In case your device should be provisioned without any Vorto definition, omit specifying a definition, or set "skipVorto" to true.

Note: By default skipVorto is set to false.

You can access the Device Provisioning API at

Find a minimal example - without Vorto - at Device provisioning via API.